Numerology is any belief in the mystical or divine relationship between a number and one or more events that are coinciding. [2] It is also the analysis of the numerical value of the letters in names, words, and ideas. It's frequently associated alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts, with the paranormal. [3]
Despite the long history of numerological notions, the term"numerology" is not listed in English prior to c. 1907. [4]
The term numerologist may be used for those who put faith in patterns and draw on pseudo-scientific inferences from these, even if those people do not practice conventional numerology. For instance mathematician Underwood Dudley utilizes the term to talk about professionals of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis.
St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354--430), wrote:"Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of this truth." [dubious ] Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the brain to search and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by divine grace. Watch Numerology and the Church Fathers on the Topic for ancient Christian beliefs.
In 325 AD, following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from the beliefs of the state church had been classified as civil violations within the Roman Empire. [citation needed] Despite the religious purging, the spiritual significance assigned to the heretofore"sacred" numbers hadn't disappeared; many numbers, such as the"Jesus number" were commented and examined by Dorotheus of Gaza and numerology still is employed at least in conservative Greek Orthodox circles. [5][6] However, regardless of the immunity to numerology of the church, there have been arguments made for the existence of numerology from religious architecture and the Bible. By way of example, the numbers 7 and 3 maintain powerful religious significance in the Bible. The clearest example would be the production of the world in seven days. Jesus asked God 3 times if he could prevent crucifixion and has been crucified at 3. The amount is the period of famine and other events and sometimes follows 7 as a sign of change. [7]
Some notions were closely linked to numerology. Within an elaborate numerology based on the names of substances from the language, his experiments were framed by Persian-Arab alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan As an instance. [8]
Numerology is notable in Sir Thomas Browne's 1658 literary Discourse The Garden of Cyrus. Throughout its pages, the writer attempts to demonstrate the number five and the related Quincunx pattern can be seen through the arts, in design, and also in character -- particularly botany.
Contemporary has antecedents. Ruth A. Drayer's book, Numerology, The Power in Numbers Claims that across the Beginning of the 20th century Mrs. L. Dow Balliett combined Pythagoras' work with Biblical reference. [9] Balliett's pupil, Juno Jordan, aided numerology turn into the system known today as Pythagorean, though Pythagoras himself had nothing more to do with the machine, by releasing"The Romance in Your Name" in 1965, provided a method for identifying what he called key numerological influences in titles and birth dates which remains used today. Additional'numerologists' such as Florence Campbell (1931),[10] Lynn Buess (1978), Mark Gruner (1979), Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker (1979), Kathleen Roquemore (1985) expanded to the use of numerology for analyzing character or events. For utilizing 11, various procedures are given by these colleges of numerology.
Deficiency of evidence[edit]
Skeptics assert that numbers don't have any occult significance and can't by themselves affect a person's life. Skeptics consequently regard numerology for a superstition and a pseudoscience that uses numbers to give the topic a veneer of scientific authority. [2]
At least two studies have investigated numerological asserts, both producing negative results: one in the united kingdom in 1993,[11] and yet another in 2012 at Israel. [12] The UK experiment included 96 individuals and found no correlation between the number seven and a self-reported psychic ability. The experiment in Israel involved a professional numerologist along with 200 participants, and has been developed to examine the legitimacy of a numerological diagnosis of learning disabilities, like dyslexia and ADHD, and pneumonia. The experiment was repeated twice and produced negative outcomes.
Programs [edit]
There are numerous numerology systems which assign numerical value to the letters of an alphabet. Examples include the Abjad numerals from Arabic, the Hebrew numerals, Armenian numerals, and Greek numerals. The practice in Jewish heritage of assigning mystical meaning to words based on their numerical values, and also on relationships between words of equal significance, is known as gematria.
Latin alphabet systems[edit]
There are. Various methods of translation exist, including Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebraic, Helyn Hitchcock's approach, Phonetic, Japanese, Indian and Arabic.
Pythagorean system[edit]
This method can be known as Western Numerology or even Pythagorean Numerology. Pythagoras started his concept of numbers by simply discovering the numerical relationship between figures and musical notes. He discovered that the vibrations within instruments could be mathematically explained. [13][14] The Pythagorean system utilizes a person's name and date of birth. The title number reveals the individual nature. This is the character that they pose to the external world. You have to use the individual's full name as written to begin. Afterward, every letter is delegated to eight to a few one, depending on the Pythagorean system. The figures are assigned to letters of the Latin alphabet as follows:
2 b, k, t,
4 = d, m, v,
6 = Id, o
7 g, y, p,
9 numerologyguardian = Id, r,
Then add together each the amounts. Afterward, the amount is reduced until you get a single digit.
Example: James Duncan Helpert
= 12
= 21
= 35
James Duncan Helpert
= 68
= 14
= 5
Afterward, Jim Duncan Helpert's name amount is 5.
A quicker way to arrive at a single-digit summation (the electronic origin ) is simply to select the value modulo 9, substituting a 0 outcome using 9 itself. As mentioned earlier, the only digit then came is assigned a particular significance according to the procedure used.
Whenever someone changes their name they'll get a new name number. This is believed to alter certain areas of someone's character and destiny. Next, the birth number is viewed as an expansion of this title number. This number represents the traits/talents which you desire to possess. It's believed that your birth number reveals life purpose and your inner nature. To find your birth number you add together all of the numbers in the month, day, and year you were born. Then, you decrease that number into a single digit number.
James' birthday May 5, 1997
= 36
= 3+6
= 9
From the Pythagorean system, there are 3 master numbers (11, 22, 33) that don't get reduced to a single number. If birth amount or your name amount comes out to one of these master amounts, then you don't combine the numbers to form one digit. Lastly, the single name number and birth are assigned a meaning and significance depending on the Pythagorean system. [15][16]
Chaldean system[edit]
The Chaldeans were. This method is also called the Babylonian numerology system. Chaldean numerology is used to recognize the energy changes that occur when you or someone else speaks or thinks. The sound of somebody talking comes in vibrations of various frequencies that affect the speaker and those around them. The Chaldean system employs the numbers 1-8. Since it is considered sacred due to its connection to 21, the number 9 isn't utilized in the machine. The Chaldean system employs this amount system that is 1-8 onto the title because that's the energy which will now be 27, which the individual is using. Afterward, each letter is delegated to a few you to eight, based on the Chaldean numerology graph. The amounts will be assigned to letters of the alphabet :
1 = a, q, y, I, j
2 b, r
C, 3 g, l, s
4 = d, m, t
5 = e, h, n, x
6 = u, v, w
Z, 7 = o
8 = p, Id
Example: Assume James Duncan Helpert goes by Jim.
= 6
= 24
= 2+4
= 6
= 28
= 2+8
= 10
= 1+0
= 1
Afterward, Jim Duncan Helpert's name amounts are 6, 6, and 1.
Exactly precisely the master numbers that exist in the Pythagorean system are recognized by the Chaldean system. These master numbers are 11, 22, and 33. In the Chaldean method, an individual's first name is their own social character and the way they present themselves in both the energy which comes with that and public. The name also indicates the personal interests and habits of that the individual. The name is the soul energy and it shows the parts of yourself and also the facts about your inner soul. The middle name shows the hidden abilities, needs, and everything your spirit is trying to reach for. The previous name is related to the family's domestic influence. [17]
Abjad program [edit]
The system of numerology is called Abjad numerals or Abjad notation. Within this system each letter of alphabet has a numerical value. This program is ilm-ul-huroof, the Science of Alphabet, Cipher's Science, and ilm-ul-cipher's base: